After the process of searching for your favourite area and the type and style of house you want to buy, you will finally find the property that meets all your expectations. It is time to negotiate the price and make a serious offer of your property in Marbella.
During the whole previous process of searching and getting information about the areas, their infrastructures and services, surroundings, environment and in short, knowledge of Marbella and its surroundings, you will have realized that the chosen property has a price not only for the property itself, but also for the characteristics of the area where it is located.
Even having acquired all this information, the real estate market in Marbella is a special market within Spain because it is a very cosmopolitan city and the process of negotiating the price must be done with a deep knowledge of all the elements that make it up.
For this, it is essential to have a good real estate professional who has updated and real market information based on his experience, which will help you at all times in the negotiation, knowing your financial situation and your budget for this investment.
Your real estate agent needs to know your circumstances in terms of availability of funds, if you need to finance all or part of the purchase of your home, if you want to obtain residence in Spain or is a purchase as a second home, your personal availability to be present at the time of signing documents of the purchase, in short, your investment plan you have in mind and that your agent will help you to implement it.
With all these elements under control, it is time to make a serious offer to the seller, always with the clear idea that in any negotiation there must be concessions from both parties to reach a good and satisfactory agreement. From our point of view, a serious offer consists of avoiding actions such as making it without having clear the timing of the availability of your funds, making it before knowing the house in situ or making several offers to different properties without having clear your final decision.
It is necessary and very beneficial to show clearly and seriously to the seller your intention to buy and your security in the choice you have made by proving your solvency, making a deposit on account or demonstrating, if it is the case, that your bank has already approved your financing application.
In this way the seller will understand that you are serious and with firm intentions to buy and that he is a person who gives confidence, opening up the possibilities of reaching agreement on the amount he is fighting for.
Your agent will help you make the decision to accept a deal on price by indicating the possible options always from the honesty and professionalism of his experience.
In Benarroch Real Estate we offer you advice throughout the process of buying your house in Marbella so that you can achieve your objective and see your investment project come to fruition in something as important as buying your house in Marbella.
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